Tag: promocje


14.12 GamersGate

Dzisiaj taniej: Chivalry: Medieval Warfare = 3.8£ (-75%) (Steam) Front Mission Evolved = 1.98£ (-75%) (Steam) NiGHTS into dreams… = 1.5£ (-75%) (Steam) I...


14.12 Amazon

Taniej: Dishonored = 7.49$ (Steam) (gra nie posiada języka polskiego) Dishonored GOTY = 13.59$ (Steam) (bez PL) Outlast = 11,99$ (Steam)


13.12 GMG

Ceny z kodem GMG25-XI6UI-D5GBQ: The Darkness II = 5.62$ (Steam) Just Cause 2 = 5.62$ (Steam) Spec Ops: The Line = 5.62$ (Steam) (taniej na...


13.12 GOG

Kolejny dzień Winter Sale na GOGu: Collected Bullfrog Classics = 14,9$ Mystique and Mysterious Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers – 1,49$ Cognition: An...


13.12 GameFly

Kolejny dzień Winter Sale (ceny z kodem GFDDEC20UK): Dungeon Hearts – 0.79£ (Steam) Foul Play – 3.99£ (Steam) Hotline Miami – 1.90£ (Steam) How...


13.12 GetGames

Promocje: London 2012: The Official Video Game = 1,79€ (Steam) Tomb Raider = 9,99€ (Steam) Nowa edycja GetLoaded, za 8€ możemy wybrać 2 gry:...


13.12 Steam

Daily Deal: The Bureau: XCOM Declassified = 12,49€ (DLC też w promocji) (taniej na Amazonie)


13.12 Amazon

Promocje: Spectromancer + Gathering of Power = 1.99$ (Steam) Blood Bowl Legendary Edition = 4.99$ (Steam) (jest też wersja nie aktywująca się na Steamie po...


13.12 GamersGate

Dzisiejsze promocje: Dungeon Siege 3 = 2.49£ (Steam) Aliens: Colonial Marines = 3.74£ (-75%) (Steam) Blood Bowl Chaos Edition = 4.99£ (-75%) (Steam) Rise...


12.12 GameFly

Kolejny dzień Winter Sale (ceny z kodem GFDDEC20UK): Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons – 4.79£ (Steam) Company of Heroes 2 – 7.99£ (Steam)...


12.12 Steam

Daily Deal: Blood Bowl: Chaos Edition – 5,99€ ( -80% ) Blood Bowl Legendary Edition – 3,99€ ( -80% ) Darmowy weekend: Dino D-Day –...