5.4 GamersGate
- A Blind Legend = 2.84£ (-43%) (Steam)
- AGON – The Lost Sword of Toledo = 1.4£ (-80%) (Steam)
- AGON The Mysterious Codex = 1.4£ (-80%) (Steam)
- Anoxemia = 0.46£ (-84%) (Steam)
- Babylon 2055 Pinball = 2.37£ (-15%) (Steam)
- Burly Men At Sea = 4.89£ (-30%) (Steam)
- Colonial Conquest = 2.8£ (-60%) (Steam)
- Dustforce = 1.72£ (-75%) (Steam)
- Finding Teddy 1 and 2 bundle = 6.5£ (-50%) (Steam)
- Finding Teddy 2 = 5.25£ (-50%) (Steam)
- Fractured State = 5.94£ (-15%) (Steam)
- Freaking Meatbags = 2£ (-75%) (Steam)
- Galactic Inheritors = 2.2£ (-80%) (Steam)
- Grandfather = 0.8£ (-50%) (Steam)
- Impact Winter = 13.27£ (-17%) (Steam)
- Karaski: What goes Up… = 4.5£ (-50%) (Steam)
- Lavapools = 2£ (-50%) (Steam)
- Legends of Persia = 17.03zł (-80%) (Steam)
- LEGO City Undercover = 19.99£ (-20%) (Steam)
- Letter Quest: Grimms Journey = 1.23£ (-79%) (Steam)
- Mechanic Escape = 5.32zł (-75%) (Steam)
- Monster Slayers = 4.19£ (-30%) (Steam)
- Motorcycle Club = 1.4£ (-80%) (Steam)
- NaissanceE = 3£ (-70%) (Steam)
- Navpoint = 0.8£ (-80%) (Steam)
- Out of the Park Baseball 18 = 21.89£ (-27%) (Steam)
- Paranautical Activity: Deluxe Atonement Edition = 1.42£ (-80%) (Steam)
- Quantic Pinball = 2.54£ (-15%) (Steam)
- Quest Run = 0.98£ (-84%) (Steam)
- Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom = 21.24£ (-15%) (Steam)
- Slain: Back from Hell = 3.69£ (-63%) (Steam)
- Sniper Elite 4 = 31.19£ (-22%) (Steam)
- Sniper Elite 4 – Camouflage Rifles Skin Pack = 3.79£ (-5%) (Steam)
- Sniper Elite 4 – Season Pass = 26.99£ (-10%) (Steam)
- Sniper Elite 4 – Target Führer = 6.64£ (-5%) (Steam)
- Sniper Elite 4 Deluxe Edition = 50.69£ (-22%) (Steam)
- Still Life = 1.4£ (-75%) (Steam)
- Still Life 2 = 1.4£ (-75%) (Steam)
- Subject 13 = 1.75£ (-75%) (Steam)
- Syberia 3 = 22.79£ (-24%) (Steam)
- Syberia 3 Deluxe Edition = 30.39£ (-24%) (Steam)
- The Ship: Murder Party = 3.5£ (-50%) (Steam)
- This War of Mine = 3£ (-80%) (Steam)
- Three Fourths Home: Extended Deluxe Edition = 1.39£ (-72%) (Steam)
- Three Fourths Home: Extended Edition = 1.11£ (-72%) (Steam)
- Typoman = 4.5£ (-55%) (Steam)
- Vertical Drop Heroes HD = 1.39£ (-72%) (Steam)
- We Are The Dwarves = 5.04£ (-72%) (Steam)
- Wild Romance = 20.23zł (-30%) (Steam)
- Yooka-Laylee = 131.08zł (-23%) (Steam)
- Yooka-Laylee Digital Deluxe Edition = 33.1£ (-23%) (Steam)
- Another Perspective = 0.77£ (-84%)
- Cubetractor = 0.57£ (-92%)
- Finding Teddy = 1.5£ (-75%)
- Lets Sing = 12.49£ (-50%)
- Marvels Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series = 16.14£ (-15%)
- Nicolas Eymerich The Inquisitor – Book I: The Plague = 1£ (-75%)
- Red Johnsons Chronicles = 15.96zł (-75%)