Nowe gry na Steamie

Oto kolejna porcja gier, które pojawiły się ostatnio na Steamie, a wcześniej można było je nabyć w pakietach z grami indie:

  • Bird Assassin (IndieRoyale The Golden Jubilee Bundle*)
  • Airship Dragoon (Steampunk Groupee 2 + IndieRoyale The Debut 9 Bundle)
  • KEL Reaper of Entropy (Groupees Build a Greenlight 8)
  • Depth Hunter 2: Deep Dive (Get’em GreenLit Bundle[6] + Green Light Bundle 3**)
  • Bravada (IndieGala Greenlight Bundle 2)
  • Jamsouls (IndieRoyale The Debut 5 Bundle*)
  • Trace Vector (Groupees Build a Greenlight Bundle 5)
  • Uprising 44: The Silent Shadows (Flying New Year Bundle)
  • Bionic Heart (IndieGala Every Monday #8 + Groupees Winter Wolves Manga Game Bundle)
  • Another Perspective (Retro Groupee 3 + LazyGuysBundle Night Sky**)
  • Residue (Groupees Build a Greenlight Bundle 3 + ShinyLoot Patrick Scott Patterson Indie Bundle)
  • Survive (IndieRoyale The Sigma Bundle)
  • Stonerid (LazyGuysBundle Moon Landing** + IndieRoyale The Mixer Bundle + DIG Super Bundle 1[5])
  • Wyv and Keep (IndieRoyale The Alpha Collection 1)
  • Heroes of a Broken Land (Groupees Build a Greenlight Bundle 5 + IndieFort The Hasty Yet Heroic Majeyal Space Operator Bundle)
  • Shadows on the Vatican (BundleStars Indie Adventure Bundle)
  • Stained (IndieRoyale The Debut 3 Bundle)
  • The Sun at Night (Groupees Build a Greenlight 8)
  • Northmark: Hour of the Wolf (Bundle-In-A-Box The Indie RPG Bundle)
  • Recruits (Groupees Build a Greenlight Bundle)
  • Selknam Defense (IndieRoyale The Debut 12 Bundle[4] + BundleBandits Bundle Bizarro[4])
  • LogiGun (IndieRoyale The Debut 3 Bundle)
  • Steel & Steam (Steampunk Groupee 2)
  • TerrorHedron (IndieRoyale The Apollo Bundle + IndieFort Countdown Bundle[3])
  • Frayed Knights: The Skull of S’makh-Daon (Groupees Indie Bundle + Bundle-In-A-Box The Indie RPG Bundle)
  • Super Trench Attack (Flying Bundle 8)
  • Micron (LazyGuysBundle Night Sky** + LazyGuysBundle Morning Sky Greenlit Encore** + IndieRoyale The Lunar Bundle)
  • Toxic Bunny HD (IndieRoyale The Debut 13 Bundle)
  • Data Hacker: Initiation (IndieGala Greenlight Bundle 3 + IndieRoyale The Debut 13 Bundle + Groupees Ajay’s Bundle)
  • Memories of A Vagabond (IndieMeadow Holiday Bundle)
  • Lantern Forge (IndieRoyale The Mixer 6 Bundle*)
  • Obludia (ShinyLoot 4 Bundle*)
  • Ghostship Aftermath (Groupees Build a Greenlight Bundle 4)
  • Sky Nations (IndieRoyale The Debut 9 Bundle[2] + HumbleBundle of Love for Brandon[2] + Groupees Indie Bundle[2])
  • Ichi (IndieGala Mobile 2)
  • Millennium 2 – Take Me Higher (IndieRoyale The Debut 7 Bundle + Groupees Build a Bundle 5)
  • Rooks Keep (Groupees Build a Greenlight Bundle 3)
  • Isomer (IndieRoyale The Mixer 4 Bundle)
  • Reversion – The Meeting (BundleBandits Indie Outbreak* + LazyGuysBundle Starting 2014 Like a Boss** + IndieRoyale The Debut 6 Bundle + Groupees Build a Greenlight Bundle 2 + BundleStars Indie Adventure Bundle**)
  • Super Panda Adventures (IndieGala Greenlight Bundle 2 + DIG Super Bundle 2[1] + Be Mine 9 + LazyGuysBundle Starting 2014 Like a Boss **)

* klucz znajduje się na Desura Collection (czasem generowanie klucza na stronie nie działa, wtedy należy uruchomić klienta Desury i wybrać w menu History -> Gifts History i kliknąć „Your collection”)
** klucze były rozsyłane emailowo
[1] kontakt z
[2] informacje na forum
[3] kontakt z
[4] kontakt z
[5] kontakt z
[6] kontakt z

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