27.12 Amazon
- Enslaved: Odyssey to the West Premium Edition = 4.99$ (-75%) (Steam)
- The Long Dark = 9.99$ (-50%) (Steam)
- King’s Bounty: Crossworlds = 3.74$ (-75%) (Steam)
- Truck Racer = 4.99$ (-75%) (Steam)
- Hearts of Iron III = 2.49$ (-75%) (Steam)
- Commander: Conquest of the Americas = 1.99$ (-80%) (Steam)
- Midnight Club 2 = 2.49$ (-75%) (Steam)
- Thunder Wolves = 4.99$ (-50%) (Steam)
- Abyss Odyssey = 7.49$ (-50%) (Steam)
- Moebius = 14.99$ (-50%) (Steam)
- Total War Battles: Shogun = 2.49$ (-69%) (Steam)
- Tiny Brains = 1.99$ (-86%) (Steam)
- Gomo = 0.79$ (-90%) (Steam)
- Hamlet or the Last Game without MMORPG Features, Shaders and Product Placement = 0.99$ (-80%) (Steam)
- Stellar Impact = 2.39$ (-76%) (Steam)