15.03 GMG
W promocji gry indie:
- PID 2,72$ (Steam)
- Avernum: Escape From The Pit 4$ (Steam)
- Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams 4,08$ (Steam)
- Primal Carnage 4,08$ (Steam)
- Puddle 3,6$ (Steam)
- 10 000 000 2$ (Steam)
- Krater 3$ (Steam)
- Cargo Commander $2 (Steam)
- Q.U.B.E. 2$ (Steam)
- The Basement Collection 0,8$ (Steam)
- Air Buccaneers 4,08$ (Steam)
- The Journey Down: Chapter One 2,8$ (Steam)
- Strike Suit Zero 12$ (Steam)
- Forge 8$ (Steam)
- CreaVures 1$ (Steam)
- Psychonauts 4$ (Steam)
- ShadO 3$ (Steam)
- Storm in a Teacup 2,4$ (Steam)
- Swords and Soldiers 2$ (Steam)
- They Bleed Pixels 4$ (Steam)
- Hamiltons Great Adventure 2$ (Steam)
- Guns of Icarus Online 4$ (Steam)
- Awesomenauts 4$ (Steam)
- Costume Quest 6$ (Steam)
- iBomber Attack 2,8$ (Steam)
- Dead Pixels 1,2$ (Steam)
- Tiny & Big: Grandpa’s Leftovers 2$ (Steam)
- Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken 2,72$ (Steam)
- Patterns 8$ (Steam)
- Super Meat Boy 3$ (Steam)
- iBomber Defence 2,4$ (Steam)
- iBomber Defense Pacific 2,4$ (Steam)
- Stacking 6$ (Steam)
Ceny z kodem GMG20-P4DLK-FKYRS (ważność kodu już minęła, niestety nie dadzą przez weekend nowego – w takim razie ceny powyżej są nieaktualne, prawdziwe są ciut większe)
Wszystkie promocje: greenmangaming.com/gmg-picks/ i greenmangaming.com/hot-deals/