10.12 GOG
Kolejny dzień Big Winter Sale. Przypominam, że za wydanie minimum 4,79€ otrzymujemy gratis Divine Divinity , a za 47,19€ Blackguards Special Edition. Za 2,89€ możemy zakupić grę niespodziankę, możliwe jest wylosowanie gry o wartości 9.99-34.99$ (pierwszeństwo mają gry, których nie posiadamy). Grę niespodziankę możemy kupować wiele razy.
Nowe pakiety:
- Sid Meier’s Pack = 5,95€
- Thieves’ Stash = 7,17€
Nowe pojedyncze oferty:
- A Bird Story = 1.89€ (-61%)
- Avernum 2: Crystal Souls = 9.49€ (-50%)
- Avernum: Escape From the Pit = 1.89€ (-80%)
- Avernum: The Complete Saga = 2.29€ (-80%)
- Big Pharma = 12.99€ (-45%)
- Blackguards 2 = 5.99€ (-80%)
- Chroma Squad = 8.49€ (-40%)
- Colonization, Sid Meier’s = 2.29€ (-60%)
- Cosmonautica = 8.49€ (-40%)
- Crookz – The Big Heist = 7.39€ (-65%)
- Darksiders II: Deathinitive Edition = 23.99€ (-20%)
- Dropsy = 4.99€ (-50%)
- Dropsy: Warm Damp Hug = 4.99€ (-50%)
- else Heart.Break() = 11.79€ (-50%)
- Evoland = 1.89€ (-80%)
- Evoland 2, A Slight Case of Spacetime Continuum Disorder = 9.49€ (-50%)
- Fran Bow = 9.49€ (-33%)
- Geneforge Saga = 2.89€ (-80%)
- Grandia II Anniversary Edition = 9.99€ (-50%)
- Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition = 1.49€ (-89%)
- Guild of Dungeoneering = 7.49€ (-50%)
- Guild of Dungeoneering Deluxe Edition = 11.59€ (-50%)
- Guild of Dungeoneering Soundtrack = 3.99€ (-50%)
- Guild of Dungeoneering: Pirates Cove Adventure Pack = 2.59€ (-48%)
- Hatoful Boyfriend = 1.99€ (-75%)
- I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream = 1.19€ (-79%)
- Invisible Inc. = 7.49€ (-50%)
- King of Dragon Pass = 1.49€ (-74%)
- Kingdom = 7.79€ (-22%)
- Kingdom Soundtrack = 3.09€ (-23%)
- Lichdom: Battlemage = 4.79€ (-87%)
- Mushroom 11 = 9.49€ (-33%)
- Mushroom 11 Soundtrack = 6.39€ (-33%)
- Not a Hero = 4.39€ (-66%)
- Not A Hero: Global MegaLord Edition = 6.59€ (-67%)
- Not A Hero: Global MegaLord Edition Upgrade = 2.39€ (-66%)
- Odallus: The Dark Call = 7.09€ (-50%)
- Outlast = 4.79€ (-75%)
- Outlast: Whistleblower = 2.19€ (-74%)
- Pirates! Gold Plus = 2.29€ (-60%)
- Rebel Galaxy = 13.29€ (-34%)
- Republique = 11.79€ (-50%)
- Republique Deluxe Edition = 16.59€ (-50%)
- Republique Deluxe Edition Upgrade = 4.79€ (-50%)
- Ronin = 4.39€ (-66%)
- Ronin: Digital Special Edition = 6.59€ (-67%)
- Ronin: Digital Special Edition Upgrade = 2.39€ (-66%)
- Satellite Reign = 16.99€ (-40%)
- Satellite Reign – Artbook = 2.29€ (-40%)
- Satellite Reign – Reboot Prequel Novella = 2.29€ (-40%)
- Satellite Reign – Soundtrack = 4.59€ (-40%)
- Septerra Core: Legacy of the Creator = 1.19€ (-79%)
- Shadow Warrior (2013) = 3.09€ (-90%)
- Shadowrun: Dragonfall – Director’s Cut = 2.89€ (-80%)
- Shadowrun: Hong Kong = 9.49€ (-50%)
- Shadowrun: Hong Kong Deluxe Edition = 14.19€ (-50%)
- Shadowrun: Hong Kong Deluxe Edition Upgrade = 4.79€ (-50%)
- Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms = 14.99€ (-25%)
- Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms Soundtrack = 3.49€ (-27%)
- Shelter = 2.39€ (-75%)
- Shelter 2 = 7.09€ (-50%)
- Shelter 2 Special Edition = 8.09€ (-50%)
- Shelter 2 Special Edition Upgrade = 0.99€ (-48%)
- Shelter 2: Mountains = 3.79€ (-24%)
- Shovel Knight = 9.49€ (-33%)
- Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri Planetary Pack = 2.29€ (-60%)
- Sid Meier’s Covert Action = 2.29€ (-60%)
- Silent Service 1+2 = 2.29€ (-60%)
- STASIS = 8.09€ (-49%)
- STASIS: Deluxe Edition = 9.99€ (-50%)
- STASIS: Deluxe Edition Upgrade = 1.99€ (-50%)
- Sublevel Zero = 11.99€ (-16%)
- Tales of Monkey Island = 4.79€ (-75%)
- Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri = 1.89€ (-67%)
- The Banner Saga = 4.79€ (-75%)
- Thief 2: The Metal Age = 3.79€ (-60%)
- Thief 3: Deadly Shadows = 3.79€ (-60%)
- Thief Gold = 3.79€ (-60%)
- To The Moon = 1.89€ (-80%)
- Transistor = 7.59€ (-60%)
- Transistor Soundtrack = 3.99€ (-60%)
- Unepic = 1.89€ (-80%)
- Victor Vran = 9.99€ (-50%)
- Windward = 4.79€ (-66%)